# Units
W-SLDA Toolkit uses natural units:
W-SLDA Toolkit uses natural units:
* $`m=1`$,
* $`m=1`$ - mass of particle,
* $`\hbar=1`$,
* $`\hbar=1`$ - Plank's constant divide by $`2\pi`$,
* $`k_B=1`$. |
* $`k_B=1`$ - Boltzmann constant,
\ No newline at end of file |
* $`dx=a`$ - lattice spacing.
The lattice spacing is defined through [predefines.h](https://gitlab.fizyka.pw.edu.pl/wtools/wslda/-/blob/public/st-project-template/predefines.h)
#define DX 1.0
It is *recommended* to work with lattice spacing `DX=1`, however, the code allows to use of other values, in order to support the functionality of [automatic interpolations](Automatic interpolations).
# Dimensionless units
When reporting values, it is convenient to use dimensionless units. See here for the [definition of reference scales](Reference scales).
| quantity | dimensionless units | interpretation |
|------- |------ |------- |
| energy | $`E/E_{\textrm{ffg}}`$| In literature it is called (generalized) _Bertsch parameter_ $`\xi`$.|
| distance| $`xk_F`$ | Fermi momentum $`k_F`$ defines the average distance between particles. Thus $`xk_F=1`$ means a distance of the order of interparticle distance.|
| time | $`t\varepsilon_F`$|In time interval $`t\varepsilon_F=1`$ particles at Fermi level pass distance of the order of average interparticle distance. In literature this time scale is also called _interaction time scale_, meaning typical time scale for scattering events. |
# Converting to SI units
To compare with experimental data typically one needs to convert results to SI units. In order to do this, one needs to provide SI standards for mass, length, and time.
|standard | standard type| SI | code |
| -------| ---- | ----- | -----|
|mass | explicit: mass of particle | $`m\,\left[\textrm{kg}\right]`$ | 1 |
| length | explicit: distance between two lattice points | $`l\,\left[\textrm{m}\right]`$ | 1 (*)|
| time | implicit: time units is defined through requirement that $`\hbar=1`$ | $`\left[\textrm{s}\right]`$ | 1 |
(*) It is assumed that in [predefines.h](https://gitlab.fizyka.pw.edu.pl/wtools/wslda/-/blob/public/st-project-template/predefines.h) `DX=1`. If not, and `DX=a`, one needs to rescale $`l\rightarrow l/a`$.
Below we provide conversion factors:
|qunatity| symbol | code value | SI value |
| ---- | ---- | ----|-----|
| wave-vector | $`k`$| 1 | $`\frac{1}{l}\,\left[\frac{\textrm{1}}{\textrm{m}}\right]`$ |
| momentum | $`p=\hbar k`$ | 1 | $`\frac{\hbar}{l}\,\left[\frac{\textrm{kg m}}{\textrm{s}}\right]`$ |
| energy | $`E=\frac{p^2}{2m}`$ | 1 | $`\frac{\hbar^2}{ml^2}\,\left[J\right]`$ |
| velocity | $`v=\frac{p}{m}`$ | 1 | $`\frac{\hbar}{ml}\,\left[\frac{\textrm{m}}{\textrm{s}}\right]`$ |
| time | $`t=\frac{l}{v}`$ | 1 | $`\frac{ml^2}{\hbar}\,\left[\textrm{s}\right]`$ |
## Example
Consider gas of $`{}^{6}\textrm{Li}`$. Moreover, let us assume that lattice spacing is $`0.1\,\mu\textrm{m}`$. Then we have
| standard | value |
| ---- | ----- |
| $`m`$ | $`9.988\times 10^{-27}\,\textrm{kg}`$ |
| $`l`$ | $`0.1\,\mu\textrm{m}`$ |
| $`\hbar`$ | $`1.055\times 10^{-34}\,\textrm{J s}`$ |
| **code value** | **SI value** |
|$`t=1`$ | $`0.947\,\mu\textrm{s}`$|