... | ... | @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ FD(e_k,\mu, T)=\frac{1}{\exp[\frac{e_k-\mu}{T}]+1} |
The same procedure can be used to folder noise that is generated in the pairing potential $`\Delta(\vec{r})`$.
# Testing script
You can use the attached script [tools/high-frequency-filter.py](https://gitlab.fizyka.pw.edu.pl/wtools/w-bsk/-/blob/devel/tools/high-frequency-filter.py) to test the impact of the filtering scheme on the input signal. Below is an example of the script output.

You can use the attached script [tools/high-frequency-filter.py](https://gitlab.fizyka.pw.edu.pl/wtools/wslda/-/blob/devel/tools/high-frequency-filter.py) to test the impact of the filtering scheme on the input signal. Below is an example of the script output.

# Controlling the filter
The filter can be controlled via the input file:
... | ... | |