For reporting basic quantities (like particle number, energy, etc) W-SLDA code used `wlog` file. It is txt file produced by function `int logger( )` from [logger.h](https://gitlab.fizyka.pw.edu.pl/gabrielw/wslda/-/blob/public/st-project-template/logger.h) file. This file can be modified by the user depending on a specifics of a given problem.
For reporting basic quantities (like particle number, energy, etc) W-SLDA code used `wlog` file. It is txt file produced by function `int logger( )` from [logger.h](https://gitlab.fizyka.pw.edu.pl/gabrielw/wslda/-/blob/public/st-project-template/logger.h) file. This file can be modified by the user depending on a specifics of a given problem.
### Example
# Example
In addition to defined by default variables, the user needs to print out variable:
In addition to defined by default variables, the user needs to print out variable:
\Delta_{\textrm{avg}}(t) = \dfrac{\int |\Delta(\bm{r},t)|(n_a(\bm{r},t)+n_b(\bm{r},t))\,d\bm{r}}{\int (n_a(\bm{r},t)+n_b(\bm{r},t))\,d\bm{r}}
\Delta_{\textrm{avg}}(t) = \dfrac{\int |\Delta(\bm{r},t)|(n_a(\bm{r},t)+n_b(\bm{r},t))\,d\bm{r}}{\int (n_a(\bm{r},t)+n_b(\bm{r},t))\,d\bm{r}}
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