| Publication | Description | Links |
| Publication | Description | Links |
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| [arXiv:2207.06059](https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.06059)| Atomic Josephson Junction at BCS and UFG | [BCS](https://arxiv.org/src/2207.06059v1/anc/bcs)<br>[UFG](https://arxiv.org/src/2207.06059v1/anc/ufg) | |
| [arXiv:2207.06059](https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.06059)| Atomic Josephson Junction at BCS and UFG. | [BCS](https://arxiv.org/src/2207.06059v1/anc/bcs)<br>[UFG](https://arxiv.org/src/2207.06059v1/anc/ufg) |
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| [arXiv:2207.00870](https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.00870) | Static: quantum vortex structure.<br> Dynamic: collision of vortex dipoles.| [structure](https://arxiv.org/src/2207.00870v1/anc/structure)<br> [collision](https://arxiv.org/src/2207.00870v1/anc/collision) |
| [Phys. Rev. A 106, 013306 (2022)](https://journals.aps.org/pra/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevA.106.013306) | Static: vortex structure as function of akF.<br> Static: phase diagram of uniform system. | [st-vortex](https://arxiv.org/src/2201.07626v2/anc/st-vortex)<br> [st-phase-diagram](https://arxiv.org/src/2201.07626v2/anc/st-phase-diagram) | |
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