# Ajusting of chemical potentials
# Ajusting of chemical potentials
Static codes adjust chemical potentials automatically in such a way to provide a solution with requested particle number. Following parameters control adjusting process:
Static codes adjust chemical potentials automatically in such a way to provide a solution with requested particle number. Following parameters control adjusting process:
muchange 0.5 # coefficient for changing chemical potential, default=0.5
muchange 0.5 # coefficient for changing chemical potential, default=0.5, for both components
mumaxchange 0.05 # maximal allowed changed of chemical potential per iteration,
# muchange_a 0.5 # or you can control muchange for each component separately using tags with `a` ...
# in units of Fermi energy
# muchange_b 0.5 # ... and `b` suffixes.
mumaxchange 0.05 # maximal amount that chemical potential can change between iterations, in units of Fermi energy
# mumaxchange_a 0.05 # or you can control mumaxchange for each component separately using tags with `a` ...
# mumaxchange_b 0.05 # ... and `b` suffixes.
Chemical potentials are adjusted according to rule:
Chemical potentials are adjusted according to rule:
\Delta\mu_{\sigma}^{(i)} &= \textrm{muchange}\,\frac{N_{\sigma}^{(\textrm{req.})}-N_{\sigma}^{(i)}}{N_{\sigma}^{(\textrm{req.})}}\\
\Delta\mu_{\sigma}^{(i)} &= \textrm{muchange}_{\sigma}\,\frac{N_{\sigma}^{(\textrm{req.})}-N_{\sigma}^{(i)}}{N_{\sigma}^{(\textrm{req.})}}\\
\mu_{\sigma}^{(i+1)} &= \mu_{\sigma}^{(i+1)} + \Delta\mu_{\sigma}^{(i)}
\mu_{\sigma}^{(i+1)} &= \mu_{\sigma}^{(i+1)} + \Delta\mu_{\sigma}^{(i)}
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