W-SLDA Toolkit allows for reduced dimensionality computation by imposing uniformity constraints along selected directions; see here for more details. In such cases, the data is stored in reduced form as well. For example for results generated by st-wslda-2d
or td-wslda-2d
code on lattice 192x192x16
will be stored as:
# W-DATA 0.2.0
# More information about the WData format see: https://gitlab.fizyka.pw.edu.pl/wtools/wdata/-/wikis/home
nx 192 # lattice
ny 192 # lattice
nz 16 # lattice
dx 1 # spacing
dy 1 # spacing
dz 1 # spacing
datadim 2 # dimension of block size: 1=nx, 2=nx*ny, 3=nx*ny*nz
In VisIt it will be represented in 2D space only:
You need to remember that it is only a single plane, and it should be repeated
times along the z direction. The full 3D view can be restored by using wdata-datadim-up
[gabrielw@node2066 vortex-mass]$ wdata-datadim-up sample_vortex.wtxt sample_vortex_3d 3
# READING INPUT DATA: `sample_vortex.wtxt`
# ************************ LATTICE ***************************
# LATTICE: 192 x 192 x 16
# SPACING: 1.000000 x 1.000000 x 1.000000
# VOLUME : 192.000000 x 192.000000 x 16.000000
# DIM-IN : 2
# DIM-OUT: 3
# RESIZING `rho_a`...
# RESIZING `subset_rho_a`...
# RESIZING `delta`...
# RESIZING `j_a`...
# RESIZING `subset_j_a`...
# RESIZING `nu`...
# RESIZING `tau_a`...
# RESIZING `V_a`...
# RESIZING `V_ext_a`...
# WRITING `sample_vortex_3d.wtxt`