W-data format
W-data format is designed to store and manipulate data defined on a spatial lattice.
This format was originally derived from the W-SLDA project.
The format is designed to be conceptually easy to understand, which turns out to be an important issue for academic applications where students are typically involved.
Presently the format support lattices in 1D, 2D, and 3D. Real, complex, and vector variables can be stored. To learn more, see Wiki pages.
C library compilation
The package contains C (standard C99) library and tools supporting data manipulation.
Edit header of Makefile and execute
Note: to compile the tools you will need to install W-interp library first. To compile only the library execute
make lib
The C libary is stored in libwdata.a
(static lib) and libwdata.so
(dynamically linked lib) files.
Once the library is compiled it is recommended to set system variable (preferably in .bashrc
export WDATA=set-path
export PATH=$PATH:$WDATA/bin
C library usage
To use the library you need to add in your C code header file
#include "wdata.h"
To compile the code add to the compilation command
gcc ... -I$WDATA/c/ -L$WDATA -lwdata
See here for examples of usage.
Python library
It is clone of repository:
git subtree pull --prefix python https://github.com/forbes-group/wdata branch/default --squash
Follow instructions from this repo to learn how to use this module.
- Gabriel Wlazłowski, Warsaw University of Technology
- Andrzej Makowski, Warsaw University of Technology
- Michael McNeil Forbes, Washington State University