**NOTE**: VisIt version 3.3.x and higher have, by default, installed w-data plugin.
# VisIt in version 3.1.x and lower.
Download and install [VisIt, version 3.1.x or 2.13.x](https://wci.llnl.gov/simulation/computer-codes/visit/executables).
In order to visualize results produced by the W-SLDA Toolkit, you need to compile the plugin.
The plugin must be placed on a system where the VisIt server will be launched.
[Video tutorial (YouTube)](https://youtu.be/K00h3sMbV-Q) showing how to install VisIt and connect it to a remote machine.
# Installing W-data plugin on your local system
Follow instructions from this [file](https://gitlab.fizyka.pw.edu.pl/wtools/wdata/-/blob/master/visit-plugin/README.md).
Below, we provide examples of the compilation process on selected systems.
## Compiling plugin on [Andes](https://docs.olcf.ornl.gov/systems/andes_user_guide.html)
module load cmake
cd wslda/lib-wdata/
g++ -O3 -c wdata.c -fPIC
ar crf libwdata.a wdata.o
cp libwdata.a visit-plugin/
cd visit-plugin/
/sw/andes/visit/bin/xml2cmake -v 3.1 -clobber wdata.xml
rm CMakeCache.txt
## Compiling plugin on [Daint](https://www.cscs.ch/computers/piz-daint/)
Before you start compilation **make sure that you can connect without typing password** from `ela.cscs.ch` to `daint101.cscs.ch`:
[wtools@dell ~]$ ssh ela.cscs.ch
Enter passphrase for key '/home/wtools/.ssh/id_ed25519':
[wtools@ela1 ~]$ ssh daint101.cscs.ch
If not, use `ssh-keygen` & `ssh-copy-id daint101.cscs.ch`.
Next, execute on `daint101.cscs.ch`:
module load daint-mc
module load Visit
cd wslda/lib-wdata
cp libwdata.a visit-plugin/
cd visit-plugin
xml2cmake -clobber wdata.xml
rm CMakeCache.txt
``` |