#include <complex.h> // todo: create gcc g++ compatibility. See wdata, winterp, wderiv for template
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct
    int ax;
    int ay;
    int az;

    int dim;
} wbox_insert_t;

typedef struct
    int nx;
    int ny;
    int nz;

    int dim;

    char datatype;

    void *data;
} wbox_md_t;





#define WBOX_ERR_INIT_DIM 0001

#define WBOX_ERR_INSERT 1000
#define WBOX_ERR_INSERT_INIT_AX_MONE 1001 // Error that is produced by `wbox_insert_init()` function and is connected to the case when `nx` parameter is equal `-1`
#define WBOX_ERR_INSERT_CHECK_DIM 1002    // Error that is produed by `wbox_insert_check()` function. Dimension of small and big box is different
#define WBOX_ERR_INSERT_1D 1003
#define WBOX_ERR_INSERT_2D 1004
#define WBOX_ERR_INSERT_3D 1005

#define WBOX_ERR_MERGE 2000

#define WBOX_ERR_ROTATE 3000

 * @brief Function to initialize lattice. Function initializes the lattice.
 * @param wbmd [out] - pointer to WBox metadata structure. Each WBox structure is responsible for only one variable, like rho_a.
 * @param nx [in] - number of lattice points in OX direction. If `<0` then return `WBOX_ERR_INIT_DIM`
 * @param ny [in] - number of lattice points in OY direction. If `<0` then dimension is `1` and only iterates over OX axis
 * @param nz [in] - number of lattice points in OZ direction. If `<0` then dimension is `2` and iterates over OX and OY axis
 * @param datatype [in] - character describing type of data. Can be 'i'nteger, 'r'eal (double), 'c'omplex (double complex).
 * @param data [in] - pointer to a data of `datatype` type.
 * @return `WBOX_SUCCESS_INIT` or `WBOX_ERR_INIT` with help description.
int wbox_init(wbox_md_t *wbmd, const int nx, const int ny, const int nz, const char datatype, const void *data);

/* ***************************************************************************************** */
/* ***************************************************************************************** */
 * @brief Function that inserts data from smaller 1D box (`wmbd`) into the 1D bigger box(`wmbd_big`) that is anchored in `wbox_insert`.
 * Function checks the anchor placements.
 * @param wbmd_small [in] - `wbox_md_t` type that stores the information about data from small box.
 * @param wbox_insert [in] - `wbox_insert_t` type that stores the information about the anchor point.
 * @param wbmd_big [out] - `wbox_md_t` type that stores the information about data from big box.
 * @return `WBOX_SUCCESS_INSERT` or `WBOX_ERR_INSERT` with help description.
int wbox_insert_1d(const wbox_md_t *wbmd_small, const wbox_insert_t wbox_insert, wbox_md_t *wbmd_big);

 * @brief Function that inserts data from smaller 2D box (`wmbd`) into the 2D bigger box(`wmbd_big`) that is anchored in `wbox_insert`.
 * Function checks the anchor placements.
 * @param wbmd_small [in] - `wbox_md_t` type that stores the information about data from small box.
 * @param wbox_insert [in] - `wbox_insert_t` type that stores the information about the anchor point.
 * @param wbmd_big [out] - `wbox_md_t` type that stores the information about data from big box.
 * @return `WBOX_SUCCESS_INSERT` or `WBOX_ERR_INSERT` with help description.
int wbox_insert_2d(const wbox_md_t *wbmd_small, const wbox_insert_t wbox_insert, wbox_md_t *wbmd_big);

 * @brief Function that inserts data from smaller 3D box (`wmbd`) into the 3D bigger box(`wmbd_big`) that is anchored in `wbox_insert`.
 * Function checks the anchor placements.
 * @param wbmd_small [in] - `wbox_md_t` type that stores the information about data from small box.
 * @param wbox_insert [in] - `wbox_insert_t` type that stores the information about the anchor point.
 * @param wbmd_big [out] - `wbox_md_t` type that stores the information about data from big box.
 * @return `WBOX_SUCCESS_INSERT` or `WBOX_ERR_INSERT` with help description.
int wbox_insert_3d(const wbox_md_t *wbmd_small, const wbox_insert_t wbox_insert, wbox_md_t *wbmd_big);

 * @brief Master function that inserts data from smaller box (`wmbd`) into the bigger box(`wmbd_big`) that is anchored in `wbox_insert`.
 * Function checks the anchor placements. First checks the dimension of box and places calls adequate insert function.
 * @param wbmd_small [in] - `wbox_md_t` type that stores the information about data from small box.
 * @param wbox_insert [in] - `wbox_insert_t` type that stores the information about the anchor point.
 * @param wbmd_big [out] - `wbox_md_t` type that stores the information about data from big box.
 * @return `WBOX_SUCCESS_INSERT` or `WBOX_ERR_INSERT` with help description.
int wbox_insert(const wbox_md_t *wbmd_small, const wbox_insert_t wbox_insert, wbox_md_t *wbmd_big);

 * @brief Function that initializes insert parameters.
 * @param wbox_insert [out] - `wbox_insert_t` type that stores the infromation about the anchor.
 * @param ax [in] - anchor for NX lattice value. If `-1` then ignored and `WBOX_ERR_INSERT_INIT` is returned.
 * @param ay [in] - anchor for NY lattice value. If `-1` then ignored and `wbox_insert_1d` should be executed.
 * @param az [in] - anchor for NZ lattice value. If `-1` then ignored and `wbox_insert_2d` should be executed.
 * @return int `WBOX_SUCCESS_INSERT_INIT` or `WBOX_ERR_INSERT_INIT` whith help description.
int wbox_insert_init(wbox_insert_t *wbox_insert, const int ax, const int ay, const int az);

 * @brief Function that checks the possible errors for inserting a data from small box into big box.
 * @param wbmd_small [in] - `wbox_md_t` type that stores the information about data from small box.
 * @param wbox_insert [in] - `wbox_insert_t` type that stores the information about the anchor point.
 * @param wbmd_big [out] - `wbox_md_t` type that stores the information about data from big box.
 * @return `WBOX_SUCCESS_INSERT_CHECK` or `WBOX_ERR_INSERT_CHECK` with help description.
int wbox_insert_check(const wbox_md_t *wbmd_small, const wbox_insert_t wbox_insert, const wbox_md_t *wbmd_big);

/* ***************************************************************************************** */
/* ***************************************************************************************** */
int wbox_merge_1d(const wbox_md_t *wbmd_one, const wbox_md_t *wbmd_two, wbox_md_t *wbmd_result);
int wbox_merge_2d(const wbox_md_t *wbmd_one, const wbox_md_t *wbmd_two, wbox_md_t *wbmd_result);
int wbox_merge_3d(const wbox_md_t *wbmd_one, const wbox_md_t *wbmd_two, wbox_md_t *wbmd_result);
int wbox_merge(const wbox_md_t *wbmd_one, const wbox_md_t *wbmd_two, wbox_md_t *wbmd_result);

int wbox_rotate_2d(wbox_md_t *wbmd);
int wbox_rotate_3d(wbox_md_t *wbmd);
int wbox_rotate(wbox_md_t *wbmd);

/* ***************************************************************************************** */
/* ***************************************************************************************** */
int wbox_print_1d(const wbox_md_t *wbmd, const char *title);
int wbox_print_2d(const wbox_md_t *wbmd, const char *title);
int wbox_print_3d(const wbox_md_t *wbmd, const char *title);